This page brings you the specialty of Tri-State Company and that is hiking trails. Even though Tir-State Company can handle any type of project, hiking trails have been the specialty for this company. Below you will find pictures of some trails that we have constructed for the Forest Service, other govermental agencies, and some for the private sector.

North Carolina Trail Layout and Design

Location:  Marion, North Carolina

August 2024

Project Description:

NC trail layout
This project was for the layout and design of about 8 miles of new trail.  Included GIS data collection for installation of bridges and trail structures


Festival Park Walking Trail System

Location:  Check, Virginia

April 2024 - May 2024

Project Description:

Festival Park
This project was for the construction of a trail system in a new music festival venue.  It included the installation of a crushed stone paved trail


Herbert and Gloria Jones Woodlands Trail System

Location:  Charleston, West Virginia

May 2023 to April 2024

Project Description:

Herbert and Gloria Jones Trail
This project was for the construction of about 3.75 miles of new multi use trail.  It included the installation of about 1 mile of crushed stone paved trail, large flat stone pavers, and installing open bottom culverts


Stonewall Resort State Park Trail Construction

Location:  Stonewall Resort, Roanoke WV

October 2022

Project Description:

Stonewall Resort Trail
This project was for the construction of about 100 lf of cribbed trail, about 1000 lf of crushed stone surfaced trail and the construction of 110 lf of puncheon walkway over wetland


Heritage Of Miami Bluffs Community Trail

Location:  Mainsville, Ohio

July 2022 - September 2022

Project Description:

Heritage of Miami Bluffs Trail
This project was for the construction of a new crushed stone surfaced trail that would allow the residents of Miami of Heritage Bluffs to safely connect to the Little Miami Trail. 


Wildwood Park Trail Rehabilitation

Location:  Radford, Virginia

April 2022 - June 2022

Project Description:

Wildwood Park
This project is for the reconstruction of a trail in Wildwood Park that we built in 2001.


Montebello Condo Association Community Trail Rebuild

Location:  Alexandria, Virginia

May 2021 to current

Project Description:

Montebello Condo Association
This project was for the complete rebuild of the community trail at the  Montebello Condominium Complex in Alexandria Virginia.  This project included the replacement of old wooden steps with new steps, the addition of more wooden steps, the installation of puncheon walkways to allow for water to pass under the trail, the installation of new round metal handrails, the relocation of some areas of the trail to provide a better grade and the placement of compacted gravel along the entire trail.  This trail is in a community of mostly retired individuals and special consideration had to be taken into account.


Stonewall Resort State Park Trail

Location:  Roanoke, West Virginia

March 2021 to May 2021

Project Description:

Stonewall Resort Trail
This project was for the construction of about 2 miles of new trail and the reconstruction of about 1 mile of existing trail that had been recently built but not correctly and had several areas that exceeded 20% grade and needed to be relocated.


Cherokee Removal Memorial Park Trail

Location:  Blythe Ferry, TN

January 2021 to March 2021

Project Description:

Cherokee Removal Memorial Park
This project was for the construction of about 2000 feet of compacted gravel surface trail with a grade suitable for wheelchair use.  This trail included about 200 feet of puncheon walkway and a couple benches at the original ferry crossing site to be used for reflection and contemplation.


Fonta Flora Sidepath Trail

Location: Burke County North Carolina

January 2020 to May 2020

Project Description:

Fonta Flora
This was the construction of about 1400 feet of earthen trail and about 1400 feet of gravel surfaced trail that includes 500 feet of cribbed trail


Canaan Valley Bike Trail

Location:  Davis West Virginia
Canaan Valley State Park

May 2019 to November 2019

Project Description:

Canaan Valley Bike Trail
This project is for the construction of almost 35,000 linear feet of new bike trail and the reconstruction of almost 5,000 linear feet of existing trail to make it more sustainable and useful for many years in the future.  This project included the installation of 5 stream crossing decks.


Kincora Nature Trail and Birding Platform

Location: Kincora Village, Sterling Virginia

January 2019 to March 2019

Project Description:

This was the construction of about 1 mile of nature trail in a wetland with puncheon walkway and a birding platform.


Allegheny Trail Relocation

Location:  Pocahontas County, West Virginia

Seneca State Forest

October 2018 - January 2019

Project Description:

Allegheny Trail Relocation
This project is the construction of about 2 miles of new construction. This project was for the relocation of the Allegheny Scenic Trail.  This project included the construction of the trail, a trail head parking lot, a kiosk, and the construction of a new Bridge.


Burke County Hiking Trails

Location: Lake James, Burke County North Carolina

April 2018 - October 2018

Project Description:

Fonta Flora
This project is the construction of about 7 miles of new construction. This project will be a continuation of a project we started in 2016. The trail will be called the Fonta Flora Trail and this section will go through Lake James State Park.  


Westmoreland State Park Trail Construction

Location:  Montross, Virginia
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

April 2018

Project Description:

Westmoreland State Park Trail
This project is for the construction of about 2600 lf of new trail to relocate the existing trail from a badly eroded area.


Western Piedmont Community College Bike Trail

Location: Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton North Carolina

November - December 2017

Project Description:

This project was for the construction of a new bike and pedestrian trail on the campus of Western Piedmont Community College.  This trail is about 2 miles in length and designed for beginner bikers.


Valley Divide Trail

Location: Sugar Grove, VA
Mount Rogers National Recreation Area

June - August 2017

Project Description:

Valley Divide Trail
This project is for the construction of 3 miles of new multi use trail catering to heavy horse traffic.  Included in this project was the construction of a new trailhead parking lot.


Burke County Hiking Trails

Location: Burke County North Carolina

October 2016 to May 2017

Project Description:

Burke County Trails
This project was for the construction of almost 4 miles of new trail and a little over 1 mile of reconstruction to existing trail


Hamilton County Bike Trail Connector

Location: Hamilton County, Ohio

September 2016

Project Description:

Hamilton County Bike Trail Connector
This project is the for the construction of a new connector trail to create a safe way for bike traffic to pass.


Himot Princess Trail

Location: Bluegrass Valley, Virginia

August 2016

Project Description:

Himot Princess Trail
This project upgraded the existing trail around the house with a 4 inch surfacing of gravel.


Huntington High School Cross Country Course

Location: Huntington, West Virginia

March 2016 - Current

Project Description:

Huntington High School Cross Country Course
This project is the for the construction of a new 3 mile cross country course for The Cabell County Board of Education, Huntington High School.


Princeton City Park Trail

Location: Princeton Youth Park,
Princeton, West Virginia

December 2015 - January 2016

Project Description:

Princeton Park Trails
This project is the for the construction of  about 2 miles of new recreational hiking and biking trails for the City of Princeton WV.


Tinbridge Community Access Trail

Location: Lynchburg Virginia

November 2015

Project Description:

Tinbridge Access Trail
This project is for the construction of an access trail for the Tinbridge Community in Lynchburg VA to open a passageway for the residents of the area to easily access and use the James River Heritage Trail.


Miller Cowpasture Access Trail

Location: Millboro Springs, Virginia
July - August  2015

Project Description:

Miller Access Trail
This project is the for the construction of  400 LF of cribbed steps and walkway from the house site to the Cowpasture River.  This project also included the construction of a upper viewing deck and a lower waters edge deck.  


Beech Fork Hiking Trails
Overlook Trail and Lost Trail

Location: Beech Fork State Park, West Virginia

November 2014 - October 2015

Project Description:

Beech Fork Hiking Trails
This project is the for the construction of new trail and the reconstruction of existing trail on the Overlook Trail and the Lost Trail bike trail.


Potomac Shores Hiking Trail

Location: Dumfries, Virginia

August 2014 - October 2014

Project Description:

Potomac Shores Trail
This project was the construction of  4 miles of  new construction in a developed community currently under construction.  This is the first phase of the project that will ultimately include more miles of trail as well as  many bridges and developed sites along the trail.  


Cascades Trail Flood Repair

Location:  Pembroke, Virginia
George Washington/Jefferson Nat. Forest

June 2014

Project Description:

Cascades Flood Repair
This project was for the repair of Cascades Recreation Trail.


Stonewall Resort Hiking Trails

Location: Roanoke, West Virginia

September 2013 - December 2013

Project Description:

Stonewall Resort Trail
This project was the construction of a new 1 mile loop around a finger of the lake that is a much gentler hike than anywhere else on the park.  It also included the reconstruction of the final portion of the Heaveners Orchard Trail to bring it up to the high standards that the park has for its trail system.


Round Mountain Biking/Hiking Trail System

Location: Bland, Virginia

May 2013 - September 2013

Project Description:

Round Mountain Trail System
This was a hybrid project with the Eastern Divide Ranger District in the George Washington/Jefferson Nation Forest.  It consisted of the construction of many miles of biking/hiking trails as well as the construction of trailheads.  


Hoof and Hill Trail

Location: Dismal Horse Camp, George Washington/Jefferson National Forest

May 2013

Project Description:

Hoof and Hill Trail
This project was the reconstruction of sections of the trail that were badly eroded.


Potomac Shores Trail Layout and Design

Location: Dumfries, Virginia

March 2013

Project Description:

Potomac Shores Trail Design
This was the initial layout and design of a trail system for a new community development


Natural Tunnel Trail Construction

Location: Natural Tunnel State Park, Duffield, Virginia

April 2012 - May 2012

Project Description:

Natural Tunnel Trail
This project was for the new construction of hiking trail.  As well as the construction of a set of box crib steps and the installation of large stepping stones to cross an active stream.


Kelly Flats Hiking Trail

Location: Glen Alton,  George Washington/Jefferson National Forest

April 2012

Project Description:

Kelly Flats
This is an ongoing project that we work on in the winter months for the Eastern Divide Ranger District.  We do the machine work and the district provides the labor force to do the final dress on the trail.


Hungry Mother State Park Trails

Location:  Smyth County VA
Hungry Mother State Park

August 2011 - December 2011

Project Description:

Hungry Mother State Park
This project is for the construction of  about 5 miles of new hiking/biking trails and the reconstruction of about 1/2 mile of existing trail.


Stonewall Resort Hiking Trail

Location:  Lewis County, West Virginia
Stonewall Resort State Park

April 2011 - August 2011

Project Description:

Potts Valley Rail Trail
This project is for the construction of nearly 3 miles of new trail to allow access to areas of the State Park that were previously unused except by those that wanted to go exploring. This trail will weave its way through a cairn field and allow the public to visit a unique area of the park.


Potts Valley Rail Trail

Location:  Monroe County, West Virginia

November 2009 - February 2010

Project Description:

Potts Valley Rail Trail
This project was for the construction of a hiking trail along the Potts Valley Railroad.  This line was abandon about 80 years ago and was being converted to a walking trail.  The project required the construction of a new side hill trail where the railroad trestle use to cross and the new construction of about a mile of trail to reconnect to the old rail bed.


Pandapus Pond Butterfly Trail

Location:  Blacksburg, Virginia

September, 2009

Project Description:

Pandapus Pond Trail
This project was the construction of a new trail to connect the Pandapus Pond parking lot to the new butterfly garden and wildlife watching area.


Montpelier Demonstration Trail

Location:  Montpelier, Virginia

August, 2009

Project Description:

Montpelier Demonstration Trail
This project was for the construction of a new hiking trail in the forest behind Montpelier (James Madison's homeplace).  Great care had to be taken to avoid damaging large tree roots and to avoid sensative areas of historical significance.


Camp Arrowhead ADA Trail and Bridge

Location:  Camp Arrowhead BSA, Ona West Virginia

March 2009 - September 2009

Project Description:

Camp Arrowhead ADA Trail
This project was for the construction of an ADA trail at Camp Arrowhead.  The project required a graded gravel trail with timber edging and no more than an 8% slope and the construction of several puncheon bridges over drains as well as several large log cribs and one 40 foot bridge.  This trail allows access to a larger area of the camp to people with a disability.  As well as access to the existing ADA fishing pier and ADA toilet.


Himot Property Trails

Location:  Bluegrass Valley, Virginia

August 2008 - November 2008

Project Description:

Himot Property Trails
This project is for the construction of a new trail network on private property. The trail network included 6 different trails that gives the landowner 3.96 miles of trail for access over their entire property.


Crabtree Falls Trail Restoration 2005

Location:  Crabtree Falls, Virginia

October, 2005

Project Description:

Crabtree Falls Trail
This project includes the restoration and rebuilding of the trail at Crabtree Falls. The contract also includes the building of 37 waterbars, both rock and timber. There is also 67 LF of stairway with treated timbers over rocky and uneven tread surface on the trail.

Fork Mountain Trail

Location:  Richwood, West Virginia

December, 2004

Project Description:

Fork Mountain Trail Reconstruction
This project consists of the construction and reconstruction of various sections along the Fork Mountain Trail in the Monongahela National Forest....

Camp Arrowhead Handicap Accessible Trail and Toilet

Location:  Camp Arrowhead BSA Ona, West Virginia

November, 2004

Project Description:

Camp Arrowhead Latrine
The project consisted of the construction of an Handicap Accessible Toilet and the first 450 feet of a Handicap Accessible Trail.....

Wildwood Park Trail Construction

Location:  Radford, Virginia

January, 2004

Project Description:

Wildwood Park Trail Steps


Crawfish Valley Trail Rehabilitation

Location: Virginia

May 2003

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the construction and reconstruction of drainage dips on a new horse trail in an area soon to be administered as a "near" wilderness. The work also included hardening of stream crossings with geotextile, stone and fines.

Simpson Deck and Trail

Location: Bath County, VA

March 2001 - July 2001

Project Description:

Simpson Trail, Crib Steps
This was a private contract for an individual in Virginia. The project consisted of the construction of a 900 square foot deck and a trail that included several different trail building methods to make it accessible.

Apple Orchard Trail Repair

Location: Buchannon, Virginia
January 2001

Project Description:

Apple Orchard Steps
Involved the construction and reconstruction of trail in a remote site with all of the material delivered by helicopter. The work included pinned treated timber stairways, stream crossings, small foot bridge, rock waterbars, clearing and grubbing, and dry lay stone work in the forms of cribbing and overlapping stone steps as well as stepping stones and trail hardening in wet areas.

National Heritage Forest Trail

Location: Montpelier, VA (President James Madison's Home)
May 2000

Project Description:

Montpelier Trail
Involved the trail construction in old growth forest located at Montpelier, the home of President James Madison. The requirements for environmental impact diminishment were high. A total of 2.5 miles of trail was constructed in this jewel of a nation treasure administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Randolph Park

Location: Pulaski, Virginia
October 1999

Project Description:

Curbed Trail without gravel
This contract was for the construction of about 2 miles of hiking/fitness trail. The trail was surfaced with a crushed gravel for a hard surface. The contract called for two loops that consisted of an inner loop that was curbed for handicap use. The outer loop was your basic hiking trail though field with the crush stone. The project also included a signing system for the trails to give direction and also two small puncheon bridges for crossing over drainage dips.

Mount Pleasant Phase II

Location: George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, Virginia
April 1998

Project Description:

Mt. Pleasant Trail
Involved the rebuilding one half of existing trail and the construction of another half mile of trail through some of the most difficult terrain in the east. Again, a gravely tractor was used to construct most of the tread way. The work involved clearing, grubbing, and removal of hazard trees, rock waterbars, stone steps, and excavation. The resulting trail is now one of the premier trails in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest.

Cascades Recreation Area

Location: Pembroke, VA
May 1998

Project Description:

Cascades Recreation Area
This project involved clearing, grubbing, excavation, side hill trail construction, removal of large hazard trees, timber cribbing, steps, waterbars, and trail reconstruction to correct drainage problems. This project also included helicopter operations and the construction of four large treated timber bridges.

RR Donnelley & Sons Company, Inc. Nature & Educational Trail

Location: Salem, VA
July 1998

Project Description:

Start of Trail with Sign
Involved the construction of a trail system at the site of the new Donnelley printing plant in Salem, VA. The trail is approximately 2.5 miles long with an outdoor classroom; trail signs, wetlands, and a picnic area. Part of the trail is edged timber treadway with a crushed gravel walkway. The trail is directed both to employee fitness concerns as well as the education enhancement of environmental programs in the local school system. The trail is also open to the public.

Memorial Park Fitness Trail Reconstruction

Location: Huntington, WV
June 1997

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the reconstruction of a treated timber edged trail for the Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation District. The work required replacement of rotten or damaged timber edging and the placing of new crushed gravel surfacing.

Mount Pleasant/Mills Creek Trails Reconstruction

Location: George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, Virginia
September 1997

Project Description:

Mt. Pleasant Trail Crib
Involved the clearing, grubbing, installation of log waterbars, stone steps, check dams, approximately on half mile of side hill treadway, and native stone paving. Much of the work on treadway was done with a Gravely Tractor. Numerous large Oaks killed by Gypsy Moth were cut down.

Cascades Trail Reconstruction

Location: Pembroke, VA
September 1996 - December 1996

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!

Involved the construction of treated timber cribbing, barrier railing, clearing, grubbing, and a massive set of overlapping stone steps. The area of construction was in an environmentally sensitive area requiring protection of plant and land resources.

Hoophole Trail Reconstruction

Location: Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved building approximately two miles of trail through massive bolder fields, scree slops, and the construction of waterbars, switchbacks, clearing, grubbing, and stone steps and risers. Most of the treadway was located on side slope gradients. The entire trail was constructed using hand tools.

Charles C. Deam, Wilderness Trails Reconstruction

Location: Charles C. Dean Wildernes, Indiana

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!

Involved the construction and reconstruction of thirty-two miles of horse and hiking trail in a statutory wilderness area. This meant that no motorized or mechanized equipment was permitted within the wilderness boundary. The work carried out included: clearing, grubbing, excavation, hazard tree removal, construction of switchbcks, installation of 100s of treated timber waterbars, side hill construction, hardening of stream crossings, and solving drainage problems on old abandoned roadways. Below is a link to a map for the Hoosier National Forest that shows the trails in which this project entailed.

Charles C. Deam, Wilderness Trails

Roaring Run Trail Reconstruction

Location: Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the construction of an elevated treated timber walkway, stone steps, stone and timber cribbing, new tread construction, removal of large hazard trees [old growth Hemlocks killed by the wooly Adelgid], masonry stone structures, treated timber steps and risers and clearing and grubbing.

Whetstone Trail Construction and Reconstruction

Location: Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the construction of new side hill treadway, switchbacks, waterbars, removal of hazard trees, clearing, grubbing, and construction of native stone cribbing. Both hand labor and a Gravely Tractor with a rotary cultivator as a trail machine were used to build the trail. This trail passes through stands of rhododendron and old growth Hemlocks requiring similar attention regarding protection of root systems, as in the proposed Montpelier project.

Cascades Trail Reconstruction

Location: Pembroke, Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the reconstruction of eroded treadway, new log cribbing, construction of new stone steps, and repair of stone masonry walkways.

Blue Loop Trail Sherando Lake

Location: Sherando Campground, Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved the relocation and new construction of approximately two miles of trail. Work included clearing, grubbing, and excavation by hand and Gravely Tractor, switchback construction, native stone barriers, overlapping stone steps and risers, log and stone waterbars, and removal of hazard trees.

Bear Tree Lake Trail Construction

Location: Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!

Involved the construction of approximately one 1.5 miles of barrier free/accessible trail around Bear Tree Lake in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. Work included clearing, grubbing, removal of all stumps and brush to a waste area, timber steps, excavation, and gravel sub-base with geo-textile in selected areas.

Crabtree Falls Trail Reconstruction

Location: Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
Involved trail reconstruction restoring treadway, placing stone steps, treated timber barriers, switchbacks, and crushed stone paving.

Cascades Lower Trail Reconstruction

Location: Pembroke, Virginia

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
This involved working in an environmentally sensitive area rebuilding the treadway, native timber cribbing, stonework, waterbars, clearing, grubbing, and treated timber structure repair.

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Any feedback or questions contact the webmaster