2002 Projects

These are the projects that we did in the year 2002. The projects are categorized by the year that we started the contract. If you are looking for a project that you thought might have been done in this year, check the year before and it could have been started then. A lot of our projects can last for more than a year and we also start projects towards the end of the year and they do carry over. Enjoy the projects descriptions and pictures. Since this is a new website we are still continuing to add pictures from past projects once we have scanned them to add them to the site. So if a project you are looking for doesn't have any pictures come back later to see if they have been added. Leave us a comment, in our Contact section of this site, about a project you would like to see pictures of and we will try to do those first.

Camp Arrowhead, BSA Rappelling/Climbing Tower
Location: Ona, WV
February 2002 - April 2002

Project Description:

Camp Arrowhead Climbing Tower
This project consisted of the construction of a 40-foot Rappelling/Climbing Tower for the Tri-State Area Council, BSA at Camp Arrowhead. The tower has four sides that can be used for climbing or rappelling. Each side is constructed for different degrees of difficulty for the skill level of the climber. Three of the four sides have.......

Huntington Museum of Art, Nature Trail Observation Deck
Location: Huntington, WV
April 2002

Project Description:

Pictures Coming Soon!!
The deck was built to memorialize the mother of Rose Ritter who spent many hours walking and working on the trail. The platform was designed by Charles Dundas and Donnie Kyle. The platform is in the Forest Camp style of architecture and is unusual in that it is cantilevered over the ravine that the platform faces.

High Knob Trail Bridge
Location: Wise County, Virginia
May 2002 - August 2002

Project Description:

High Knob Completed Bridge
This contract was for the construction of a 34LF sawn stringer timber bridge with timber crib abutments. Due to the limited access of the bridge site, most of the material was flown in by helicopter for the bridge. The timber crib abutment material was hauled in by a mechanical mule and some backpacking to the site. The old bridge that was being replaced was demolished and removed from the site.

Coal Miner's Heritage Park
Location: Montgomery County, Virginia
September 2002 - May 2003

Project Description:

Coal Miner's Heritage Park Bridge
This project was the construction of a 300 linear feet curvilinear screw lamenated walkway. There was also two observation decks built into the walkway. This project was the first phase of a new park that Montgomery County is constructing as a tribute to Merrimac Coal Mine that was located near the projects site.

This website is maintained by Tri-State Company and T-42 Publications.
Any feedback or questions contact the webmaster