PTBA Workshop, Stonewall Resort WV
Location: Stonewall Jackson Lake State
Park, Roanoke WV
Project Description:
In November 2016 the Professional Trail Builders
Association held a workshop that brought people from all across the
country for the purpose of learning how to properly build trails of all
shapes and sizes. Among the classes offered were Stonework,
Trail layout and Design, Mini Excavator Training and safe usage,
Mechanized Trail Construction, Rigging, and Trail Assessment. Classes and Instructors Mechanized Trail Construction: John Gibson, Charles Dundas and Chris Kyle of Tri-State Company, Inc. and Jon Underwood of Happy Trails, Inc. Mini Excavator Training: John Gibson and Charles Dundas of Tri-State Company, Inc. and Valerie Naylor of Valerie Naylor, Trail Specialists Rigging: Jedediah Talbot of OBP Trailworks, LLC Stonework: Jedediah Talbot of OBP Trailworks, LLC Trail Assessment: Valerie Naylor of Valerie Naylor, Trail Specialists Trail Layout and Design: Jon Underwood of Happy Trails, Inc.
Mechanized Trail Construction photos Mini Excavator Training photos Rigging photos Stonework photos
Professional Trail Builders Association