1997 Projects
These are the projects that we did in the year 1997. The projects are categorized by the year that we started the contract. If you are looking for a project that you thought might have been done in this year, check the year before and it could have been started then. A lot of our projects can last for more than a year and we also start projects towards the end of the year and they do carry over. Enjoy the projects descriptions and pictures. Since this is a new website we are still continuing to add pictures from past projects once we have scanned them to add them to the site. So if a project you are looking for doesn't have any pictures come back later to see if they have been added. Leave us a comment, in our Contact section of this site, about a project you would like to see pictures of and we will try to do those first.
Memorial Park Fitness Trail Reconstruction
Location: Huntington, WV
June 1997
Project Description:
Involved the reconstruction of a treated timber edged trail for the Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation District. The work required replacement of rotten or damaged timber edging and the placing of new crushed gravel surfacing.
Mount Pleasant/Mills Creek Trails Reconstruction
Location: George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, Virginia
September 1997
Project Description:
Involved the clearing, grubbing, installation of log waterbars, stone steps, check dams, approximately on half mile of side hill treadway, and native stone paving. Much of the work on treadway was done with a Gravely Tractor. Numerous large Oaks killed by Gypsy Moth were cut down.