Woodbine Homeowners Association
Puncheon Bridges
Location: Blacksburg VA
March 2010 - April 2010
Project Description:
This Project was for the
construction of 4 puncheon
bridges along the walking path for the Woodbine Community in
Blacksburg VA. The object of this project was to allow the
to remain open during time when water was being released from a
retention pond.
Glen Alton Toilet Installation
Location: Glen Alton, Eastern Divide Ranger District, Virginia
May 2010
Project Description:
This Project was the
installation of a pre-fabricated
concrete toilet. It included the excavation and installation
the tank with the concrete building set on top.
Roaring Run Trail Bridge
Location: Botetourt County,
August 2010 - November 2010
Project Description:
This project was for the
replacement of a 60 foot long
bridge located in the Roaring Run Recreational Area. This
allows access to the Roaring Run Iron Furnace and is on the loop trail
for the Roaring Run Trail. This project consisted of the
construction of a new bridge and the removal of the existing bridge.
Mountain Trail Bridge Repair
Location: Bath County, Virginia
November 2010 - Current
Project Description:
This project was for the
reconstruction of the Beards
Mountain Trail Bridge. This bridge is 220 foot long and was
desperate need of repair. The bridge needed all the suspender cables
replaced as well as the deck, handrails (upgraded to modern safety
standards) and posts with cross members, and several of the stringers.