2010 Projects

These are the projects that we did in the year 2010. The projects are categorized by the year that we started the contract. If you are looking for a project that you thought might have been done in this year, check the year before and it could have been started then. A lot of our projects can last for more than a year and we also start projects towards the end of the year and they do carry over. Enjoy the projects descriptions and pictures. Since this is a new website we are still continuing to add pictures from past projects once we have scanned them to add them to the site. So if a project you are looking for doesn't have any pictures come back later to see if they have been added. Leave us a comment, in our Contact section of this site, about a project you would like to see pictures of and we will try to do those first.

Woodbine Homeowners Association Puncheon Bridges
Location: Blacksburg VA
March 2010 - April 2010

Project Description:

puncheon bridge
This Project was for the construction of 4 puncheon bridges  along the walking path for the Woodbine Community in Blacksburg VA.  The object of this project was to allow the trail to remain open during time when water was being released from a retention pond.  

Glen Alton Toilet Installation
Location: Glen Alton, Eastern Divide Ranger District, Virginia
May 2010

Project Description:

Glen Alton Toilet
This Project was the installation of a pre-fabricated concrete toilet.  It included the excavation and installation of  the tank with the concrete building set on top.  


Roaring Run Trail Bridge
Location:  Botetourt County, Virginia
August 2010 - November 2010

Project Description:

Roaring Run Furnace
This project was for the replacement of a 60 foot long bridge located in the Roaring Run Recreational Area.  This bridge allows access to the Roaring Run Iron Furnace and is on the loop trail for the Roaring Run Trail.  This project consisted of the construction of a new bridge and the removal of the existing bridge.

Beards Mountain Trail Bridge Repair
Location: Bath County, Virginia
November 2010 - Current

Project Description:

Beards Mountain Bridge
This project was for the reconstruction of the Beards Mountain Trail Bridge.  This bridge is 220 foot long and was in desperate need of repair. The bridge needed all the suspender cables replaced as well as the deck, handrails (upgraded to modern safety standards) and posts with cross members, and several of the stringers.

This website is maintained by Tri-State Company and T-42 Publications.
Any feedback or questions contact the webmaster